Why i love Justin?

yes there are many reasons why I love Justin.
Here are a few.
Cutest on earth 

His voice makes me melt   

his style        

his hair 

his songs 

he can act 

He is kind

He is caring

He loves his fans 

he can dance 

he dosent let anyone down

he can draw

he is funny 

he likes animals 

He donates money to charity 

He is an amazing athlete 

He says he loves his fans all the time

He is not ashamed of her mother 

he does not like to cansel their concerts and make their fansdisappointed

He can make anyone happy 

He can get anyone to fall in love with him

he makes good music videos 

He has more followers on twitter an Obama

fantastic on Guitar 

fantastic on drums 

he follows her fans on Twitter

He's Down to Earth

He is flirty 

he discovers on youtube 

He is inspired

He is inet afraid to stand up for what he believes in

He is strong 

he's a normal fun beloved 17 year old

He is a Prankster

He can speak French

He loves shoes

He still likes to be with his hometown buddies

han is the cutest nerd ever 

He wrote his own biography, he is only 17 

He loves purple

He is romantic 

He taught himself to play Guitar, drums, piano and trumpet

he does not mind being chased by crazy girls 

He has a tattoo on her hip as reprenseterar freedom to be yourself 

He is the youngest solo artist to have a No.1 album since Stevie Wonder1963

he's proas to be a canadian

He has met with the president three times 

He used the best new artists in 2010 vma 

He has his own movie in 3d 

His song "Baby" is veiwed video on youtube 

he sings "One Less Lonely Girl" to a happy girl at Senen at every concert 

he chanced my life, he chanced millions girl's life, he inspired us, made ​​uslaugh and smile 

so Justin.
he thanks us every day and tell you how much he loves his fans.
So the time has come for us to thank him
Thanks Justin for being so fantastic, because you are so kind-hearted anddown to eath.
Thank you for sharing your world with us.
You make us smile with your wonderful voice.
You make us laugh with your random videos.
That you are yourself and you will not let anyone push you down.

I will always be there for you, always support you and love you.
I do not care what others say.
They can call me crazy but if they only would know how amazing you are to me

Ones a beliber always a beliber

so to all you haters.
hate if you want but when you realize that you waste time hating a personwho has never done anything against you.
You are as obsessed as his fans.
Just because Justin has got fame, you do not hate him.
You do not hate him, but thats he's not you.
So stop hating a guy who just live his dreams, and start living
One's a beliber, always a beliber.


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